As we know the most common cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum,Ethereum Classic, Monero, Litecoin, OmiseGO, Ripple & Zcash. Fundamentally NEM Smart Asset System more secure than bitcoin. The NEM Blockchain utilizes a Proof-of-Importance calculation (rather than Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work or PIVX’s Proof-of-Stake) to accomplish accord through a procedure that boosts dynamic support in the system. NEM is a peer-to-peercryptocurrency and blockchain platform launched on March 31, 2015. But the value of each coin is underestimation. Why hacker target to NEM. Do you think hacker willing to engage hacking in difficult way ?
Information update on 29th Jan 2018 – CNN claimed that this cryptocurrency heist is the biggest amount. Such huge value of financial lost wasn’t happened before! See below url for reference.
Another reference:
My speculation – How’s coincheck loses ¥58 billion dollars value of cryptocurrency