Preface: The IoT will make the Taxi Industry change.The business concept of Uber is the industrial leader. Perhaps their concept and ideas are advanced and therefore cyber security are their major concerns.
Vulnerability details: Palo Alto Networks PAN-SA-2019-0020 (CVE-2019-1579): Remote Code Execution vulnerability in GlobalProtect Portal/Gateway Interface, especially on SSL Web VPN Applications. Vendor do a preventive action, a survey will be conducted all Palo Alto SSL VPN over the world. See whether is any large corporations using the vulnerable GlobalProtect, and Uber is one of them!
From our survey, Uber owns about 22 servers running the GlobalProtect around the world. For instance – vpn.awscorp.uberinternal.com.
Remark: Uber announce that the vulnerable SSL VPN solution was not the primary VPN in use by the majority of staff members. Their VPN gateway was hosted in AWS rather than embedded within core infrastructure and so the potential impacted will be in low risk.
Our comment: The vendor did not provide the vulnerability details. But do you think that attached infographic details may trigger similar attacks?
Remedy: Available Updates – PAN-OS 7.1.19 and later, PAN-OS 8.0.12 and later, and PAN-OS 8.1.3 and later releases.