New order in the Asia-Pacific region – Cyber security Law 2019

China Cracks Down on Foreign Firms Over Cyber Security, FT Says – two foreign companies that deal with consumer data in China had been under official investigation for several months.For details about the News, please refer below link:


Synopsis: Information technology personnel are familiar with MPLS. But do they understand China’s MLPS (multi-level protection scheme)?

Background: Since the launch of the legislative process of China’s Cyber Security Law in 2015, the National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee (TC260) has issued nearly 300 standards for network security. Based on 8 factors that have the most important influence on the industry. Whereby implement new order.

  1. Network security review of network products and services – 是网络产品和服务的网络安全审查
  2. Certification and evaluation of network key equipment and network security special products – 是网络密钥设备和网络安全专用产品的认证和评估
  3. Safe and controllable products and services – 是安全和可控的产品及服务。
  4. Multi-level protection scheme (MLPS) – 是多层次的保护方案(MLPS)
  5. Critical information infrastructure (CII) network security protection – 是关键信息基础设施(CII)网络安全保护。
  6. Cross-border data transfer – 是跨境数据转移
  7. Personal data and data protection – 是个人数据和数据保护
  8. Is encrypted data – 是加密数据

Security Focus – VMware (May 2019)

Preface: Intel flaw let VMware become victim (CVE-2018-12126, CVE-2018-12127, CVE-2018-12130, and CVE-2019-11091) ! VMware Workstation update addresses a DLL-hijacking issue (CVE-2019-5526) looks not a news?

VMware Vulnerability details:

VMware Workstation update addresses a DLL-hijacking issue (CVE-2019-5526) –

VMware product updates enable Hypervisor-Specific Mitigations, Hypervisor-Assisted Guest Mitigations, and Operating System-Specific Mitigations for Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS) Vulnerabilities (CVE-2018-12126, CVE-2018-12127, CVE-2018-12130, and CVE-2019-11091)

Technical background: To improve the performance of writing data back to Intel CPU caches. The write operation is split into STA (STore Address) and STD (STore Data) sub-operations. These sub-operations allow the processor to hand-off address generation logic into these sub-operations for optimized writes. But a design limitation occurs which allows unauthorized users to access data used by other programs, containers, and virtual machines. So called Zombieload. ZombieLoad Attack affects all Intel CPUs since 2011.

VMware Security Advisories –

Do not contempt “CVE-2019-0708” (Remote Desktop Services Remote Code Execution) Vulnerability – 14th May 2019

Preface: Heard that Microsoft is trying to head off another WannaCry-style malware outbreak before it starts.

Technical background: Remote Desktop Protocol is based on, and is an extension of, the T-120 family of protocol standards.

Vulnerability details: A vulnerability in the Remote Desktop Services component of Microsoft Windows could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on a targeted system.

Current status: The POC details open to cyber world. The source code let people know the design weakness of RDP. For instance, the buffer of TPKT (ver 3,5,8) , ITU-T Rec X.224 & MULTIPOINT-COMMUNICATION-SERVICE T.125. The overall feedback in commercial IT world is that they are not vulnerable because they do not have Win 2008, Win 7 and XP. It is right. But the attack vector is not a commercial area, and its targets are medical systems, SCAD control, power facilities and the oil industry. So this let Microsoft headache this time.

Remediation via following link:

Cisco follow up vulnerability item: Cisco Secure Boot Hardware Tampering Vulnerability (May 2019)

Preface: If you could talk to God. And ask in the world who can be trust? He will reply……

About technology risk for the FPGA:
How to trusting an external party with maintaining keys that protect the FPGA configuration?
A common practice till now is that it is a distinction between trust in operational processes and trust in functionality. In particular, we assume that the FPGA manufacturer is trustworthy at the time the device is created and provisioned. But the exception is that if the one of the element may become untrusthworty or manipulate by criminals. The original functionality of the FPGA as initially provisioned contains backdoors or other malicious components. Apart from that any long term keys maintained by the manufacturer might have risk.

Cisco findings and recommendation: A vulnerability in the logic that handles access control to one of the hardware components in Cisco’s proprietary Secure Boot implementation could allow an authenticated, local attacker to write a modified firmware image to the component. This vulnerability affects multiple Cisco products that support hardware-based Secure Boot functionality.

Remediation: For more information, please see the link below:

With great power comes great responsibility.

If I am true – WhatsApp vulnerability ( CVE-2019-3568) – May 2019

Preface: I do not care about this vulnerability since social media communication not secure by far. This is not the news.

Headline news: Facebook Releases Security Advisory for WhatsApp. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to take control of an affected device. For more details, please refer following url –

About vulnerability background Quote: Whatsapp, and messenger both of which uses STUN protocols to establish video call connectivities.

Doubt – The WebRTC Vulnerability
The fundamental vulnerability with WebRTC is that your true IP address can be exposed via STUN requests with Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari browsers, even when you are using a VPN.
Besides, STUN requests are made outside of the normal XMLHttpRequest.This makes these types of requests available for online tracking if threat actors sets up a STUN server with a wildcard domain.

Does VPN avoid WebRTC leaks?
WebRTC vulnerability on your browser, rather than relying solely on a VPN for protection.

Objective: As a matter of fact, the specify spyware is custom made for law enforcement. So, I believe that not easy to know the truth. Perhaps above hits will let you have more imaginations.

CVE-2019-11365 – atftp atftpd Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability (13th May 2019)

Preface: TFTP was primarily designed to read or write files by using a remote server. It fully compliant with all related RFCs. This include RFC1350, RFC2090, RFC2347, RFC2348 and RFC2349.

Background: It is used where user authentication and directory visibility are not required. So, the design goal is cater for non confidential file sharing because the cyber attack not serious like today.

Vulnerability details: The atftpd Stack-Based Buffer Overflow vulnerability is due to an insecurely implemented strncpy call related to the tftpd_file.c, tftp_file.c, tftpd_mtftp.c, and tftp_mtftp.c source code files of the affected software.

Remark: Strncpy is one of the C library functions, from the C standard library, defined in string.h, char *strncpy (char *dest, const char *src, int n), the string pointed to by src as src address The first n bytes of the beginning are copied into the array pointed to by dest, and the copied dest is returned.

Impact: If attacker can execute arbitrary code on a target, there is often an attempt at a privilege escalation exploit in order to gain additional control (see attached diagram).

The vendor has released software updates via following url:

CVE-2019-3561 – Insufficient boundary checks for the strrpos and strripos functions allow access to out-of-bounds memory ( 30th Apr 2019)

Preface: The software reads data past the end, or before the beginning, of the intended buffer. It may allow access to sensitive memory. This is so called “out of bounds read”.

Technical background: HHVM is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hack and PHP. HHVM uses a just-in-time (JIT) compilation approach to achieve superior performance. HHVM is developed by Facebook, so software developer for Facebook will select this technology.

Vulnerability details: Insufficient boundary checks for the strrpos and strripos functions allow access to out-of-bounds memory.

Impact: This affects all supported versions of HHVM (4.0.3, 3.30.4, and 3.27.7 and below).

Facebook HHVM release resolution via following link:

cJSON vulnerabilities found, API design which use in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker solution must staying alert. (May 2019)

Preface: Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. So it can work with Geospatial data perfectly.

Technical background: Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. In order to achieve its outstanding performance, Redis contains different functions.The Redis Lua interpreter loads seven libraries: base, table, string, math, debug, cjson, and cmsgpack. From performance point of view, CJSON library provides extremely fast JSON manipulation within Lua.

Vulnerability details:

CVE-2019-11834 : cJSON Multiline Comments Out-of-Bounds Access Vulnerability (allowing the attacker to compromise the system completely)
CVE-2019-11835: cJSON Out-of-Bounds Access Vulnerability (allowing the attacker to compromise the system completely)

Remediation: The vendor has released software updates at the following link –

As of May 9, 2019, even “Virustotal” did not have his record! where is he from?

Preface: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have identified a malware variant— so called ELECTRICFISH.

Technical details: The malware implements a custom protocol like “Tor browser”. The aim to allows traffic by-pass defense mechanism in between source and a destination Internet Protocol (IP) address. The malware continuously attempts to reach out to the source and the designation system, which allows either side to initiate a funneling session.

Comment: Seems malware designer aware that their operation will be terminated by malware detector especially company which installed “FireEye”. The successful factor of the infection all depends on thier infection path. May be it is a phishing, or hide himself in a 3rd party software drivers. From technical point of view, their activities is not easy discovered by antivirus program once malware successful install. But it is rare that even “Virustotal” do not have their information till now.

Headline News via following link :

CVE-2019-11036 – Successful exploit could allow the attacker to access sensitive information (30th Apr 2019)

Preface: PHP is a scripting language that runs on a computer. Its main purpose is to process dynamic web pages, including command-line runtime interfaces or to generate graphical user interface programs.

Vulnerability details: A vulnerability in the EXIF component of PHP could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to access sensitive information on a targeted system.

Causes: The vulnerability exists in the exif_process_IFD_TAG function (ext/exif/exif.c source code). But similar flaw was occured in 2011 (CVE-2011-4566).

Official announcement: The PHP Project has released software updates via following url: