CVE-2020-9839 – MacOS cfprefsd Arbitrary File Write / Local Privilege Escalation (NVD Last Modified: 09/07/2020)

Synopsis: The hackers behind the scenes used different vulnerabilities to obtain private information from the iPhone. In fact, they built a complete iPhone vulnerability attack chain. And then use the vulnerability to obtain all unencrypted or APP data on the victim’s device and send it to the attacker’s server.

Technical details: According to below design definition.
XPCService – You can connect to an XPCService strictly through a name
Mach Service – You can also connect to a Mach Service strictly through a name
NSXPCEndpoint – Communicate between two application processes.
The design concept of “com[.]apple[.]cfprefsd[.]daemon” is an XPC service hosted by the cfprefsd daemon.

Vulnerability details: An application may be able to gain elevated privileges. The CFPreferencesSetAppValue function, which is reachable from most unsandboxed processes, can be exploited with a race condition in order to overwrite an arbitrary file as root.


One thought on “CVE-2020-9839 – MacOS cfprefsd Arbitrary File Write / Local Privilege Escalation (NVD Last Modified: 09/07/2020)”

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