We are concerning about data privacy! Whereby we are scare of the surveillance program. As a matter of fact we are always under custodian.When you apply the loan or you have credit card. The financial instition will know your credit details. Your trustee will be categorized by score. Since this is the verification check and therefore we do not have negative comment. But it looks that the authorized agencies data custodian power become bigger and bigger. So a doubt occured after Equifax cyber security incident in 2017 causes data breach? Equifax is one of the credit report acency. There are total number of three company at this time. They are Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Experian also offer INTERNET SURVEILLANCE,SOCIAL NETWORK MONITORING and anti-IDENTITY THEFT SERVICES. As far as I know, SunTrust Bank now offering identity protection for all current and new consumer clients at no cost on an ongoing basis because a former Employee Stole Details on 1.5 Million Customers. The identity protection services provider is Experian. Their power is bigger and no one aware. From technical point of view, their power similar government. But how we can do?
SunTrust 1.5 M client info stolen news – Apr 2018 (see below)