The mobile payment is aggressive in some sort of area. As seen, it fully utilized in China market. From the economey point of view, this new payment design driven the retail business in parallel. The traditional banknote concept convert to digitalization silently.Is this a prelude of digital currency? The people doubt of the NFC (near field communcation) technology embedded in Visa payment earlier. As times goes by, it is popular today. The new smartphone market similar pushing the NFC techonology into next phase. The new form of payment method integrated both smartphone (iPhone and Android) and payment card with near field communication. How Secure Are NFC Payments? NFC technology comes with a range of security features that help protect financial data from stolen. But are they capable to avoid modern cyber attack? Perhaps if the computer product contains Java programming element. It is hard to avoid vulnerability. As a matter of fact, Java bytecode Verification is a key element in Java world. If this feature applied in the overalll design. It will significant reduce the malware infection because it is not easy to execute the malicious code. Do you have doubt after this discussion?