Preface: Maastricht University (UM) encountered serious cyber attack,” the university announced on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2019.
Synopsis: Not known the root cause but if ransomware can spread out in a quick way most likely it exploit of the Microsoft SMB Protocol.
Perhaps it is affected by RYUK Ransomware !
Other than that Maastricht University relies on Github with technology programs development. Meanwhile, it similar create a pathway let the cybercriminals fork other projects, which on Github means producing a copy of someone else’s project, to build upon the project or to use as a starting point and subsequently push a new commit with the malware to the project. Such malware can connecting to a GitHub account to obtain the exact location of its C&C servers. Then activate ransomware infection.
Observation: Has any personal information leaked? Therefore, this will be relevant to GDPR regulations.
It is currently unknown if scientific data was also accessed or exfiltrated by the attackers during the attack.
Headline News: Please refer to https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-hits-maastricht-university-all-systems-taken-down/
Good day! antihackingonline.com
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