Data leakage accident as of December 2018. It provides a message to the world. Even though you installed antivirus, malware detector and Firewall. The hacker still have ways to evade. In a nutshell, technology world is fighting with evils. But it make the senior management team especially CEO headache. So who can help?
CA insider Threat Report findings:
A majority of 53% confirmed insider attacks against their organization in the previous 12 months (typically less than five attacks). Twenty-seven percent of organizations say insider attacks have become more frequent.
US Homeland security recommendations:
- Elevate cybersecurity risk management discussions to the company CEO and the leadership team.
- Implement industry standards and best practices rather than relying solely on compliance standards or certifications.
- Evaluate and manage organization-specific cybersecurity risks.
- Ensure cybersecurity risk metrics are meaningful and measurable.
- Develop and exercise cybersecurity plans and procedures for incident response, business continuity, and disaster recovery.
- Retain a quality workforce.
- Maintain situational awareness of cybersecurity threats.
Mr.CEO, what do you think?