CVE-2022-46152 Design weakness causes SMC_Calling form cyber attack (29th Nov 2022)

Preface: In the ARM architecture, synchronous control is transferred between the normal Non-secure state to Secure state through System Monitor Call exceptions

Background: TEE provides an isolated environment to ensure code/data integrity and confidentiality. A typical embedded system running Linux or Android has vulnerabilities in both the kernel and userspace. Vulnerabilities could allow attackers to access sensitive information or implant malware. TEEs add an extra layer of security where code/data running on TEEs cannot be accessed or tampered with from Linux or Android operating systems.
OP-TEE is designed primarily to rely on the Arm TrustZone technology as the underlying hardware isolation mechanism. However, it has been structured to be compatible with any isolation technology suitable for the TEE concept and goals, such as running as a virtual machine or on a dedicated CPU. The main design goals for OP-TEE are isolation, small footprint and portability.

Vulnerability details:

  1. The function cleanup_shm_refs() is called by both entry_invoke_command() and entry_open_session().
  2. The commands OPTEE_MSG_CMD_OPEN_SESSION and OPTEE_MSG_CMD_INVOKE_COMMAND can be executed from the normal world via an OP-TEE SMC.
  3. This function is not validating the num_params argument, which is only limited to OPTEE_MSG_MAX_NUM_PARAMS (127) in the function get_cmd_buffer().
  4. Therefore, an attacker in the normal world can craft an SMC call that will cause out-of-bounds reading in cleanup_shm_refs and potentially freeing of fake-objects in the function mobj_put().

Solution: fix array out of bounds check in cleanup_shm_refs(). Version 3.19.0 contains a fix for this issue. There are no known workarounds.

Official announcement: Please refer to the link for details –

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