About VMware Enhanced Authentication Plug-in (EAP): VMware urges customers to remain alert for CVE-2024-22245 and CVE-2024-22250. (May 7, 2024)

This announcement original published on 20th Feb 2024

Preface: When two components have problems in the same place. If vendor did not specify the details in clear. In this circumstances, the design weakness looks the same.

Background: The Enhanced Authentication Plugin (EAP) is an extra software package that doesn’t come pre-installed. Administrators need to install it on client computers used for administration to allow direct login when using the VMware vSphere Client through a web browser.

The VMware EAP is a deprecated browser plugin that enables seamless single sign-on (SSO) to vSphere’s management interface from client workstations. It is an optional feature that stopped receiving support with the release of VMware vCenter Server 7.0.0u2 in March 2021.

Vulnerability details:

Session Hijack Vulnerability in Deprecated EAP Browser Plugin (CVE-2024-22250) – The VMware Enhanced Authentication Plug-in (EAP) contains a Session Hijack vulnerability. VMware has evaluated the severity of this issue to be in the Important severity range with a maximum CVSSv3 base score of 7.8.

Arbitrary Authentication Relay Vulnerability in Deprecated EAP Browser Plugin (CVE-2024-22245) – The VMware Enhanced Authentication Plug-in (EAP) contains an Arbitrary Authentication Relay vulnerability. VMware has evaluated the severity of this issue to be in the Critical severity range with a maximum CVSSv3 base score of 9.6.

Official announcement: Please refer to the link for details:




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