For companies that are experiencing cyber attacks. Moody said it has the potential to weaken its credit profile.
Analytic result by Moody’s:
About Moody’s findings. Ransomware attack against FedEx and Merck & Co in 2017. The total financial impact of all affected entities reached $10 billion.
Question: Does Moody’s rating only focus on financial losses?
Answer: The key factors for Moody’s do the analysis is based on the following ideas.
To develop a framework for understanding inherent cyber risk at the sector level, Moody’s focuses on the following:
1) vulnerability to the type of attack or event to which entities in a given sector are exposed.
2) potential impact of cyber events via disruption of critical businesses processes or negative reputational effects that lead to a loss of revenue as a result of customer attrition.
For more details on above, please refer below url: https://www.moodys.com/research/Moodys-Credit-implications-of-cyberattacks-will-hinge-on-long-term–PBC_1161216