We heard turmedous crypto currency heist this year (see below). Do you think is it a trick? Let’s think it over. The refund of the fees after heist is a grey area of regulator custodian.Since the money is a new sources far away from criminal activities revenue.How to using legal regulation forfeiting their money.Let’s think it over. How to dick out the money on a secure platform. Is it luck or counterfeit message with phishing technique. I believe that this is a old technique. How to evade the legal enforcement proceed legal action to forfeiting their money. End of Jan 2018 – Coincheck $530 million cryptocurrency heist may be biggest ever 2nd week of Feb 2018 – BitGrail Cryptocurrency Exchange Becomes Insolvent After Losing $170 Million.
Feb 2018 – BitGrail Cryptocurrency Exchange Becomes Insolvent After Losing $170 Million:
Jan 2018 – Coincheck heist discussion: