Preface: Apple paid $75,000 to the hacker for reporting the camera hijacking bugs. As said, bug is never ending. Perhaps next round will be yours.
Background: If you let your friend access your phone for 5–7 minutes, they could have downloaded spyware. Perhaps this action only for joking. As a matter of fact, hacker can implant malicious code into a web page to conduct the similar function. Most recently, Apple paid $75,000 to the hacker for reporting the camera hijacking bugs.
Observation: Referring to the attached picture, a simple html file can easily trigger the iphone camera function. Because the control effect of apple is very good. Therefore, it will trigger the control and then let you know. In fact, a hacker hijacked your iPhone camera through a software application or website. However, the iPhone owner can know which application can access your camera. Therefore, it is recommended to check the phone settings in a timely manner. Apple paid $75,000 to the hacker for reporting the camera hijacking bugs. As said, bug is never ending. Perhaps next round will be yours.
Chrome and Safari on iOS can access your lens without special markup and can perform both AJAX POST and synchronous form POST operations just like a desktop browser. So, please be careful to use your phone doing web browsing.